
Forge federation: monthly report 9/9

This is the last of the series of nine reports started April 2021 when the DAPSI grant was approved. It started under the name fedeproxy and now has a better one forgefriends. Most of the activity was related to renaming the project, discussing governance and funding. Not much happened on the software side of things. Software Development The main branch reached a point where it implements the main features found in the deprecated python based implementation: the switch from Python to Go is complete.

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Forge federation: monthly report 8/9

Most of the work during the last month was around implementing fedeproxy and contributing to Gitea. A proposal to change the name of the project from fedeproxy to forgefriends is well on the way. The November 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held November 18th, 2021 5pm Paris time and is open to everyone. Software Development The switch to go was delayed by two weeks, during which contributions to advance federation in Gitea were done, with the help of a cheatlist.

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Fedeproxy is written in Go to share code with Gitea

Early 2021 the fedeproxy project was created to build communication bridges between forges. It would allow to create a bug report on a project hosted on GitLab even when using Gitea. At that time community members knew very little about the ActivityPub protocol, the Gitea codebase or its community. But they knew it would be years before all forges are able to communicate with each other using some kind of standard protocol.

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Forge federation: monthly report 7/9

Most of the work during the last month was around implementing fedeproxy in Go. It will bring fedeproxy closer to Gitea and allow both projects to share significant parts of the codebase related to federation. The October 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held October 18th 10:30am, 2021 and is open to everyone. Software Development In August 2021, the idea of implementing fedeproxy in Go was discussed. There was no push back, on the contrary.

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Forge federation: monthly report 6/9

Most of the work during the last month was around funding with Gitea and plans were made to apply for a grant for fedeproxy as well. Writing code was the other important topic, publishing the August release and preparing the September release. It may look like there is less activity than usual: this is because this monthly update covers only about two weeks instead of the usual four weeks. The September 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held September 15th 3:30pm, 2021 and is open to everyone.

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Forge federation: monthly report 5/9

Most of the work during the last month was writing code, publishing the July release and preparing the August release. Collaboration with existing forges, Gitea and Heptapod also made significant progress. The August 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held August 26th 3:30pm, 2021 and is open to everyone. Software Development The bulk of the work was to begin the implementation of the webfinger and ActivityPub protocol. The inbox messages are verified to be signed conformant to the http-signature IETF draft.

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Forge federation: monthly report 4/9

Most of the work during the last month was writing code, publishing the June release and preparing the July release. Collaboration with existing forges, Gitea, forgefed and Heptapod was initiated. The July 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held July 29th 5:30pm, 2021 and is open to everyone. Software Development There is nothing user facing yet but the code is running in the integration tests environment. It relies on fixtures that target each available forge (Gitea and GitLab) as well as fixture factories to create test users that can be re-used between tests.

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Forge federation: monthly report 3/9

The User Research was completed and recommended to focus on federating issues. The software development started and releases will be published on a monthly basis. The June 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held June 24th 3:30pm, 2021 and is open to everyone. User Research User research was completed and the report published. The work will resume in a few months once the software is available for testing with the help of volunteers.

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Forge federation: monthly report 2/9

This month was mostly about User Research which will be completed within the next two weeks and diversity which is an ongoing activity within fedeproxy. The May 2021 monthly update videoconference will be held May 27th 4:30pm, 2021 and is open to everyone. User Research User research interviews have been recorded and transcribed. Today six persons will spend the afternoon together and analyze the transcriptions using a method called affinity mapping to identify emerging themes.

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Forge federation: monthly report 1/9

The past weeks were mostly focused on User Research activities and discussions on how fedeproxy should move forward. A monthly event was scheduled to discuss this activity report and anyone interested is welcome to join the first event. User Research User research preparation and interviews are well on the way: The question was formulated: How and why are multiple forges used in the development life cycle of a given software?

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